Three Projects
I've been working on three new projects since wednesday which left little room for writing. The first project was indirectly related to my stay in Japan five years ago. I was so lucky to be supported by the DAAD, without the scholarship, I would have never laid foot on Japanese soil. Some time ago, I found out that there are several alumni organizations in Germany and made contact with two of them. The local group consisted of one active person, but we managed to meet with four former scholarship holders who live in the area. During the first meeting, I offered to help with the technical stuff and that's how I came to make this. A standard Mambo installation with little content, but that's hopefully going to change. I didn't work with Mambo yet, but the first impression was very positive, easy installation, intuitive interface, an internal structure that serves lots of individual tastes - aside from the rather spotty documentation, but the forum makes up for it. The main goal was to create a working site with basic news, poll, forum and calender capabilities as quick and easy as possible. You'll notice the recycled header image. The only thing that's bugging me is that useless toolbar on top, I'm not sure yet how to get rid of it - it's part of a service that provides the subdomain and doesn't actually have to be retained.
The other two projects are still on a test server, as soon as they're publicly available I'll drop a note.
The other two projects are still on a test server, as soon as they're publicly available I'll drop a note.