
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Alright, this is it. I was working on a WordPress installation elsewhere, a different layout and lots of other stuff. Now, the new location is all setup, I'll start moving this blog away from Blogger. Don't misunderstand me, it's a great service, but far too limiting.
Keep your fingers crossed. ;-)

Goodbye Google, and thanks for the fish.

RIAA blogging at EFF

Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Hilary Rosen worked at the RIAA for 17 years, now she's been invited to blog for a week over at Lawrence Lessig's blog - a professor of law who serves on the board of the EFF.

Lawrence Lessig


Monday, August 01, 2005
birthday cake

I've turned 28 last friday. Happy birthday to me.
The Kyokushin Karate Summercamp in Warnemünde was great, I'm already looking forward to next year.